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NHS service improvement

Supporting the NHS post-covid-19

At °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â we have adapted our tools and methodologies to help our customers better support the NHS through the pandemic and beyond.

Interested? Get in touch

Understand the impact of covid-19 on treatment pathways:

  • within a specific disease or therapy area
  • at local, CCG or trust level, through to national level

Our NHS data sets (including hospital episodes statistics – HES) and prescription data services include covid-19 related data and analysis providing unrivalled insight into the wide-ranging impact of the pandemic.

Plan how services could be restructured to accommodate the required additional capacity:

  • for patients with delayed diagnosis and interventions
  • for covid-19 survivors presenting with significant related comorbidity issues

Our expert commissioning support and consultancy services can be used to address capacity issues, redesign new services or optimise existing services.

Engage with the right stakeholders to present the case for change using our suite of Quantis offerings and business planning expertise