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NHS service improvement

Quantis – Real-world data visualisation solutions

In an ever-changing NHS environment, having access to relevant data and insight has never been more important. NHS strategies to improve Patient outcomes and reduce Health Inequalities in a changing population, are becoming data led. Programmes such as NHS CORE20 plus 5 are changing the focal points for conversation. Are you prepared?

Our range of Quantis solutions provides you with the real-world evidence needed for critical engagement and to support the case for change across the healthcare system, always with improvement to patient care at the centre.

At its core, Quantis uses over 5 years of historical Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data to generate powerful healthcare system insights wherever you need it, on an Interactive customer facing platform helping you to inform and partner with your NHS customers.

Interested? Get in touch

Drive pathway optimisation by:

  • Delivering powerful account insight to NHS stakeholders for effective collaborative working
  • Deciphering the needs and predict the trends, of every local health economy, therapy area and patient pathway to explore new opportunities.
  • Saving hours of research time providing unparalleled level of insight into NHS hospital activity, prescribing and primary care performance
  • Contextualise and compliantly bring to life your value propositions



Discover how Quantis aligns your strategy with the needs of the NHS

Healthcare analytics at the heart

Powered by five-years of retrospective HES data, there is a Quantis solution to meet your specific needs:

  • Quantis Dashboards – When you need to present visual data to derive actionable insights and make the case for change with the appropriate stakeholders
  • Quantis Analytics Reports – When you need bespoke, timely reports to support internal planning and insight generation

Key benefits

Align your strategy with the needs of the NHS

Quantis translates NHS healthcare data into actionable insight that can help you to improve patient pathways and outcomes. Help your NHS customer to:

  • Identify previous performance against their current KPI’s.
  • Identify where service efficiencies and patient outcomes can be improved.
  • Provide collaborative service solutions that address healthcare inequalities.
  • Increasing the appropriate diagnosis, management, and awareness of a disease.
  • Map performance locally and nationally where specialist teams/resources are in place.
  • “The Quantis portal has been worth the wait! Really, really delighted with it, and such key insight now available for use in our clinical engagements. There is no doubt that this portal is going to accelerate our plans to create value NHS, empowering the teams with critical data insight….”

    Mark Hart (MD) NHS Supply Chain Tower 6
  • ““Provides huge scope for working with ICSs to optimise pathways and services and is incredibly valuable insight, it’s an incredibly valuable resource.””

  • “Quantis enables you to work in partnership with your NHS customer to identify the case for change”