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NHS service improvement

Quantis Inequalities Tracker

Our new Quantis Inequalities Dashboard provides a frequently updated set of visualisations so you can identify areas where patients have unequal access to care and where they are most at risk of developing further health complications.

You’ll likely already know that tackling health inequalities is one of NHS England’s top 10 priorities for 2022/23, as outlined in its 2022/23 NHS England operational planning guidance, specifically:

Continue to develop our approach to population health management, prevent ill health and address health inequalities – using data and analytics to redesign care pathways and measure outcomes with a focus on improving access and health equity for underserved communities.

This inequalities focus is front and centre as integrated care organisations develop their plans and strategy over the next year. Whilst ICS’s have responsibility for planning and funding, care integration for health improvement will happen at a local level – so knowing the local situation of your clients and partners is essential for providing support to identify, engage and help tackle disparities.

And any attempt to support your NHS customers in their aim to improve health outcomes will need to start with a healthy respect for the data and the evidence. Quantis allows you to translate healthcare data into actionable insight so you can align your strategy with their priorities.


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Key benefits


  • Benchmark against the national picture, or other specific organisations such as Integrated Care Systems
  • Demonstrate your value in providing effective care in the most appropriate setting
  • Understand areas where patients accessing services has changed and spotting opportunities to support these trends
  • Engage with the NHS to understand the likelihood of patients with inequality markers appearing at more advanced disease stages, the impact of this on services or access relating to your therapy area and discuss how increasing backlogs could affect your patients based on their deprivation status.


Quantis: Supporting you in improving patient pathways

This new Inequalities Tracker is part of the Quantis suite of tools, designed to improve patient outcomes by enabling your organisation to support the NHS in improving diagnostic and treatment pathways.

Quantis utilises and cross references five years of healthcare data from multiple health and social care sources to deliver balanced, objective and outcome-focused insights.

Find out more about how Quantis can benefit you here.

  • “The Quantis portal has been worth the wait! Really, really delighted with it, and such key insight now available for use in our clinical engagements. There is no doubt that this portal is going to accelerate our plans to create value NHS, empowering the teams with critical data insight….”

    Mark Hart (MD) NHS Supply Chain Tower 6
  • “Quantis enables you to work in partnership with your NHS customer to identify the case for change”