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Healthcare insight

The changing landscape in cancer care

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â has worked closely with NHS and industry cancer stakeholders for some years. With our unique range of solutions and oncology expertise we can enable partnership and stakeholder engagement with the NHS and help you tailor your value proposition to optimise your results.

Interested? Get in touch

Oncology is a singularly complex healthcare area. In clinical terms, every year the NHS must treat thousands of patients with a huge range of different cancers – at different stages and rates of morbidity and mortality. Rare tumour types must be dealt with just as more common ones.

Systems must find new ways of funding diagnostics and treatments effectively and equitably.

In the English NHS, new stakeholder groupings such as cancer alliances, new pathways, new funding mechanisms and new drivers such as addressing health inequalities and improving population health are all influencing cancer care. There is also a focus on finding undiagnosed patients and rolling out improved screening processes locally.

You can download our oncology briefing exploring the challenges for the NHS and Industry in improving cancer diagnosis and care and the solutions °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â holds in the fast moving and complex landscape of oncology here

Our oncology capabilities

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â holds contact data on all cancer alliances and all cancer alliance board members. We can also identify cancer stakeholders by subspecialty, from a wide variety of cancer types.

We also provide data across cancer alliances and CCGs on waiting times and diagnostic stages. This data can be visualised via our Quantis product to produce heat maps of where the greatest challenges are, and where such diagnostic waits could be hampering survival from your therapies – plus many other useful presentation tools to help highlight the story you want to take to oncology decision-makers.

For more information about our Cancer Alliances 360 product contact us today

[Download] National press supplements

Download the full cancer supplements, recently published in the press, which draw on thoughts of leading thinkers in the field, including °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â and other industry leaders.

[Download] Innovations in Oncology supplement
The Innovations in Oncology supplement shines a spotlight on the novel innovations that are being used to advance the treatment of oncology and improve patient pathways.

[Download] The Times Combating Cancer supplement
The Times Combating Cancer supplement showcases current trends in oncology, as well as offering insights into the future of treatment.

Contact us to discuss how we can help you identify your NHS oncology customers and engage them more effectively by tailoring your value proposition to their localised needs.

Complete the form below or speak to your °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â account director who will be happy to help you.