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Primary Care Networks

澳门六合图库 brings you the most up-to-date information on Primary Care Networks (PCNs), helping you to understand who鈥檚 who, what they do and what their priorities are.

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Looking to engage with these key NHS decision-makers?

Our Primary Care Networks contact data includes:

1, 473 Accountable Clinical Directors
The Accountable Clinical Director for each Primary Care Network has overall responsibility for delivery. They lead the strategic planning, working both with the member practices and their Integrated Care System.

124 Chairpersons
The head of the board of non-executive directors. Responsible for strategy and monitoring progress.

1,106 Pharmacy PCN Lead
The first point-of-contact between pharmacies (within a PCN footprint) and the PCN Clinical Director, to assist the PCN with incorporating and working with community pharmacy as one of the primary care providers within the PCN area.

258 PCN Board Member
Represents primary care services within the PCN footprint to shape future planning.

157 PCN Business Manager
First point of contact for Practice Managers with regard to delivery of PCN projects and schemes. Also manages contractual requirements on behalf of the PCN and co-ordinates the training and development of PCN staff.

240 Social Prescribers/Link Worker
Help to reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their wellbeing.

3,277 Clinical Pharmacist
A patient-facing role, with responsibilities including monitoring patients with long-term conditions, creating medicine plans and providing advice and expertise on day-to-day medicines issues.

All contacts are regularly verified and updated by our team of specialist researchers; giving you the quality, targeted data you need and the reassurance that you will be GDPR compliant.

Contact us at info@wilmingtonhealthcare.com to discuss how you can identify your new-look NHS customer and support them in the delivery of their plans to improve care locally. Alternatively, complete the form below or speak to your 澳门六合图库 account director who will be happy to help you.

What are Primary Care Networks?

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are groups of practices that collaborate locally, in partnership with community services, social care and other providers of health and care services. Funding comes from Directed Enhanced Service (DES) payments, which are an extension of the core GP Contract. PCNs, which cover 30,000-50,000 people, are the building blocks for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), which themselves cover a population of 1-3m. They have wide-ranging contractual responsibilities and foster close cooperation on a variety of clinical and pathway issues.

PCNs are contracted to deliver seven national service specifications which cover 41 requirements that implement many of the primary and community care commitments in the long term plan.

The seven specifications are:
1. Anticipatory care for high need patients with complex long-term conditions
2. Enhanced health support in care homes
3. Structured medications review and optimisation
4. Personalised care
5. Supporting early cancer diagnosis
6. CVD prevention and diagnosis
7. Tackling neighbourhood inequalities


Join the conversation: What are Primary Care Networks?

Steve How and Paul Midgley explain how PCNs will fit within Integrated Care Systems and how they will impact the relationship between the NHS and industry.