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Data, marketing and marketing insight

Integrated Care Systems

Do you know who your new customers are as the NHS evolves towards more integrated care? At 澳门六合图库, we have 100% coverage of ICS accounts.

Interested? Get in touch

Key benefits

With our unrivalled insight and data accuracy:

  • identify key organisations and people within the new ICS landscape
  • understand your customers decision making priorities locally and nationally
  • inform and optimise your go-to-market plans and decision making
  • engage your target NHS customers with purpose and build relationships鈥痺ith the right people

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) bring together NHS, local authority and third sector bodies to take on responsibility for the resources and health of an area or ‘system’. Their aim is to deliver better, more integrated care for patients. Since April 2021, all parts of England have been covered by one of 42 ICSs. All 42 are expected to be fully operational by July 2022.

With ICSs having greater control of funding and performance, connecting with these key contacts is essential for developing and nurturing future relationships with the NHS.

At 澳门六合图库, we have 100% coverage of ICS Accounts, including pivotal roles such as:

  • ICS Chief Pharmacist
  • Communications & Engagement Lead
  • COVID Lead/Programme Manager
  • Digital Transformation Lead
  • Estates Lead
  • Mental Health Lead/Programme Manager
  • ICS Sustainability Lead
  • Workforce Lead
  • Programme Manager Lead
  • Medicines Optimisation
  • Medicines Management
  • High-Cost Drug Pharmacist
  • Quality Assurance
  • Planning & Strategy
  • Chief Clinical Information Officer

For more information or to request a count/quote email info@wilmingtonhealthcare.com.

ey planning and partnership bodies

As we see the ICS model of care continue to develop, new organisations, roles and responsibilities are emerging. These include:

  • Integrated Care Board (ICB) – will hold the NHS bodies within the ICS to account, allocate budget and commission services.
  • Integrated Care Partnership Committee (ICP) – will聽produce the integrated care strategy for their area, which ICBs and local authorities will need to adhere to when making decisions, commissioning, and delivering services.

At 澳门六合图库, we can provide you with the data of the new ICBs and ICPs and the key roles within, including:

  • ICB Member NHS Trust
  • ICB Member Local Authority
  • ICB Chair Designate
  • Chief Executive/General Manager
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Nursing
  • Medical Director
  • Non-Executive Director
  • ICP Independent Chair
  • ICP Committee Member

For more information or to request a count/quote email info@wilmingtonhealthcare.com.

ICS Resources

“This is the new NHS landscape” – it’s all about ICSs – Oli Hudson explores explores the changes and what the landmark reforms mean for suppliers to the NHS.