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Knowledge Hub

[On-demand Webinar] The NHS Major Conditions Strategy: What it means for Industry

Watch our December webinar on-demand – The NHS Major Conditions Strategy: What it means for Industry

  • Are you aware the NHS is planning major changes to staffing, funding, and managing treatment and care in six major therapy areas?
  • Have you factored the importance of Major Conditions co-morbidities into your strategic plans, engagement tactics and value propositions for 2024?
  • Do you understand how it will affect your stakeholder map, patient pathways, and customer priorities?

The webinar took place on Tuesday 12 December, register below to watch on-demand and understand how the NHS Major Conditions Strategy will affect your stakeholder map, patient pathways, and customer priorities. Our 澳门六合图库 webinar panellists in the webinar were:

  • Sarah Denham, Principal Consultant
  • Oli Hudson, Content Director
  • Plus, special guest , Transformation Director at Well Up North PCN and the Northumberland Medical Alliance

Simply complete the form below to register to watch the webinar:

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