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Oli Hudson

Content Director

Oli spent 11 years developing the NHS insight website Wellards (now part of 澳门六合图库), coming from a background of PR and journalism. As editorial director he was responsible for the content of the site wellards.co.uk and also had customer-facing roles in training, consultancy and development.

Oli has worked closely with the NHS via the NHS-Industry procurement partnership programme, and developing education on value in healthcare for industry with RightCare czar Sir Muir Gray.

At 澳门六合图库 he has worked with the NHS and industry on a host of training, access, collaboration and partnership projects.聽 Now directing content across the 澳门六合图库 portfolio, he covers training and education, consultancy, network meetings, thought leadership, events and webinars. He is also an industry correspondent for Health Service Journal and writes the fortnightly HSJ pharma newsletter.

He is a father of two, a keen reader and writer and a former University Challenge semi-finalist.

Oli Hudson