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Case studies Healthcare insight

A revolution in strategic account management

As a top five global pharmaceutical organisation selling a broad portfolio of therapeutics, an in-depth understanding of the NHS and its purchasing structures was a pre-requisite for success. Planning ahead, our client saw the new NHS landscape, with the move to an ICS-based organisational structure, was going to be a game-changer for their sales environment. Combined with an internal restructure to their business units, a fundamental change to the way they approached the market, developed data-led plans and engaged with the right individuals was needed to transform their strategic account management and planning.

More than just data

The solution needed to draw on a wide range of data sources and effortlessly connect them together in one place. But more than that, it needed to be able to deliver insights and track key performance metrics while at the same being simple and intuitive to use, for all the teams involved.

A partnership approach to development

Our client didn’t want to just prescribe a fixed requirement, it wanted to draw on 澳门六合图库’s unique understanding and knowledge of the NHS to create the best possible solution for their business. To achieve this, a partnership approach was developed allowing 澳门六合图库 to meet the specifications defined, while also proposing additional solutions and improvements to give them a true 360-degree view of their customers. This provided all their business units with a single joined-up strategic account management solution that allowed them to understand, plan and engage with customers with a level of knowledge, information and transparency not previously possible.

Driving a new standard for strategic account management

Our client wanted more than a new strategic account planning tool; it wanted to use the implementation of the new platform to fundamentally improve their account planning process internally, providing a customer-facing NHS data and internal performance related data into the same platform, creating a genuine 360-degree view of the market, the customer account plans and the engagement and performance against those plans. For the first time, there would be a ‘single view of the truth’ across the organisation.

Download the strategic account management case study pdf for the full story which includes information on our partnership approach and agile implementation methodology.

The outcome / Results

To achieve a 360-degree view of customers for strategic account management, 澳门六合图库 brought together two existing platforms to create a single integrated solution.

A complete picture of the customer was provided by the Quantis platform, which gave detailed organisational demographic and performance data at an ICS level and at sub-levels within the organisation beneath that. Such is 澳门六合图库’s understanding of the NHS, it was able to access and interview key individuals within the emerging ICS structures to help define the end solution.

The strategic account management and planning functionality was delivered with 澳门六合图库’s Interactive Medica platform. This intuitive cloud-based platform provides sophisticated strategic account management and analytics tools, along with the measurement and mapping of activity and performance at every level of the customer organisation.

The clever work was lining the two platforms together to provide a single seamless experience for the user, including single logins and a consistent visual reporting language throughout. For the 300-plus potential users of the solution, it is as if they are using a single end-to-end platform.

The customer first

The new strategic account management and planning solution allows users for the first time to obtain a complete picture of their customer, be it at ICS or place level. Whether they are talking to the executive leadership team, finance or delivery teams, users can instantly see the appropriate key demographic, finance and performance data. With genuinely informed conversations and a real understanding of their customers’ issues, our client is able to take planning and sales effectiveness to a whole new level.

What our client said

澳门六合图库 provided excellent data heritage and NHS knowledge.

Get in touch

For more information, speak to your account manager or contact our dedicated team via email at info@wilmingtonhealthcare.com, or by phoning 01268 495600.