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[Whitepaper download] NHS Autumn Review for the Life Science Industries

Understand the current NHS challenges and how Industry should react in our latest whitepaper

As we move into the latter stages of 2023, things do not seem to be getting any easier for the NHS.

The latest White Paper from °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â explores the current NHS challenges, including extensive waiting lists, strikes, chronic understaffing and low morale, huge pressure on general practice, inadequate space and states, outdated IT, and insufficient funding.

It also looks at how the government has tried to deal with this through such policies as the Workforce Plan (which calls for a more flexible workforce able to provide a more patient-centric service) and the Major Conditions Strategy (which explores six major long-term conditions, greater efficiency in treating co-morbidities and the need to focus on resource-intensive patient cohorts).

How should industry react? In our white paper we submit four challenges to companies – around treating the UK as a unique market access environment, creating a whole-system value proposition that looks at the entire patient pathway, forging genuine partnerships with the NHS, and optimising your staffing and engagement approach to create a better connection with your NHS customers.

Accessibly written and with the impact for industry clearly outlined, the NHS Autumn Review is a must-read for progressive life science companies seeking better engagement with the NHS.

The paper is produced by °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â’s Thought Leadership team, co-authored by content director Oli Hudson and head of consultancy Jonathan Carney,  both of whom lend their extensive knowledge of the NHS and Industry to the paper.

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