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Case studies Data, marketing and marketing insight

Using a fully managed email service to increase delegate sales

An example of database emailing, campaign managing and tracking analytics

The scenario

Healthcare Conferences arranges 80-100 CPD accredited conferences and masterclasses each year, covering a range of topics from Cancer Survivorship to Nursing Appraisals and Revalidation.

The objective

Healthcare Conferences wanted to increase delegate bookings to their events at a time where their own marketing resource was decreasing.

The outcome

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â took on the management of Healthcare Conferences’ event emails and in turn generated a 75% increase in marketing qualified leads (MQLs). Fully managed, targeted and intelligent email marketing campaigns


Healthcare Conferences’ database had become highly inaccurate, leading to a 30% drop in delegate attendance. This was coupled with the fact that Healthcare Conferences no longer had a working office and the marketing team all worked remotely with no feasible email platform to effectively get through NHS servers. There had been issues with a high level of hard bounces and they were also struggling to managed their unsubscribed data (suppression file).


°ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â developed a simple process whereby the Healthcare Conferences’ marketing team would send an email to their dedicated Account Manager outlining the details of the conference they wish to promote and the copy for the delegate invitation.

We would then provide a fully managed service including advising on who within the NHS they should target, supplying the relevant email data, creating the HTML email and sender profile, handling the email send and managing the suppression data.

Reports of activity and all MQLs were then provided back to Healthcare Conferences’ marketing team.

Next steps

We will continue to work with Healthcare Conferences to help them understand the ever-changing NHS. We are rolling out our marketing automation system which will automate the sending of follow up emails based on the recipients’ actions towards the initial send. Marketing automation has proven to increase the effectiveness of email communications as it simplifies the process of tailoring messages and nurturing leads until they are sales ready.

The outcome / Results

With the unprecedented level of change in the NHS, our advice has been invaluable to Healthcare Conferences in recent years. With the emergence of CCGs, Vangards and STPs we provided an understanding of where Healthcare Conferences’ target audience where now situated and how best to stay ahead of the changing priorities of the NHS.

By utilising our bespoke email marketing system, which has built up a trusted reputation with NHS servers across the UK, we were able to increase the deliverability of Healthcare Conferences emails. Add this to the superior quality of the data we provided, the number of MQLs increased by 75%.

This increase in MQLs has been consistent over many years now and even been maintain throughout difficult times, notably the most recent recession. With our seamlessly managed service °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â is now embedded in the Healthcare Conferences’ own processes.

What our client said

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â are hassle free to work with, offer a consistent service and have been supportive in helping to achieve the best results from our campaigns.

Kerry Tarrant, Programme & Marketing Director

Get in touch

For more information, speak to your account manager or contact our dedicated team via email at info@wilmingtonhealthcare.com, or by phoning 01268 495600.