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Case studies Data, marketing and marketing insight

How our multichannel marketing campaign increased prescribing by 12 percent

A leading global eye-care company, with an existing product that had not been actively marketed for more than five years, wanted to introduce their product to a new market segment in the UK.

The objective

To increase prescribing (year on year) by 12 percent, without reallocating sales resource.

The approach

A multichannel, multi-touchpoint campaign that used a combination of educational and promotional content to raise awareness around the condition and the efficacy of the product.

The outcome

The campaign achieved the objective of increased prescribing of 12 percent. What was more interesting however, was where the increase in prescribing came from.

Insight-driven marketing delivers results

The target audience

Traditionally, this product had been prescribed in secondary care following a GP referral. The majority of prescriptions in primary care came from repeats. The client wanted to raise awareness of the product in primary care to initiate more prescriptions in primary care, and reduce referrals.

In addition, they wanted to get new information around efficacy out to their secondary care customers.

The target audience for the campaign included GPs, practice nurses and CCG prescribing leads, as well as hospital doctors, specialist nurses and hospital pharmacists.

In total, 50,443 healthcare professionals were contacted throughout the campaign, with responses measured by customer type, interactions with content and by channel.

The campaign content

A survey among HCPs, carried out by °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â, highlighted that HCPs are more receptive to promotional messages from pharma if they are supported by therapy-related educational content. It was therefore recommended that the campaign consisted not only of a promotional eBulletin, but also a Mode of Action video and an independent clinical article by a key opinion leader. To minimise costs, we used a mix of the client’s existing content and specifically-commissioned content. It was all hosted on an independent HCP website (onmedica.com), used by HCPs for professional learning and development.

The channels

Did you know that it on average it takes seven touch points to take a prospect from raising awareness to eliciting an action? So, taking HCP channel preference and accessibility into account, and to maximise coverage and engagement, a combination of email, post and online channels were used.

65 percent of the target audience were accessible via email, and permission was gained from all before online promotional content was viewed.

100 percent of the target audience were accessible via mail, and a print campaign was distributed via °ÄÃÅÁùºÏͼ¿â’s mailing house using QR codes to drive traffic online. OnMedica newsletters and web banners were also used to support the campaign and drive traffic online.

The outcome / Results

The campaign achieved the objective of increased prescribing by 12 percent. More interesting though was where the increase in prescribing came from. What’s more, those HCPs who engaged with the clinical article commented that it was an ‘Excellent’ and ‘Informative’ review.

The successful outcome and the insight from phase one of the campaign means that phase two can be more informed and targeted. Contacts not covered in phase one can be added for phase two, to broaden the reach and impact of the campaign. Investment has already been made in developing content, which means costs can be kept to a minimum.

For more information, speak to your account manager or contact our dedicated pharma team via email at pharma.team@wilmingtonhealthcare.com, or by phone on 01268 495600.